АҚШнинг бир нечта жанубий штатларида ҳаво ҳарорати Цельсий бўйича -20 даражагача тушиб кетди. Техасда бу қатор муаммоларни юзага келтирган, жумладан, оммавий электр узилишлари ва сув таъминотидаги узилишлар. Мамлакат жанубида совуқ ҳаво қурбонлари сони 20 кишидан ошиб кетган.
Шунга қарамай, энг қийин вазиятларда ҳам штат аҳолиси нафақат ўзларини, балки ҳайвонларни ҳам қутқариб қолишга уринмоқда. Техасликлар уйларига фермалардаги жуфт туёқли ҳайвонлар ва қушларни исиниб олишлари учун олиб кирмоқда. Esquire Техас аҳолиси қандай қилиб ҳайвонларни совуқдан ҳимоя қилишга уринаётгани тасвирланган суратлар билан бўлишди.
— Susan S. McKay (@susanschmckay) February 17, 2021
Riverview restaurant and other buildings at @sanantoniozoo are now open for flamingos and other species as we move animals indoors due to loss of power to our well pump and parts of the zoo.
— Tim Morrow (@MananaZoo) February 17, 2021
Please consider a donation at https://t.co/emjQ0oX795 pic.twitter.com/GriFflAGmK
My heat went out on Saturday and I live in the mountains of Tennessee. So the animals are hanging out in the bathroom and we're all under extra blankets. pic.twitter.com/uQSuaFlqIn
— Bekah (@bekahs_backyard) February 17, 2021
My sister and brother-in-law have a farm with 120 head of cattle. They've had to bring at least 4 new-born calves into the house (utility room) and cover them with heated blankets to keep them from dying. They bottle feeding them. Some are too weak and need a feeding tube. https://t.co/5DTqAYIDIo pic.twitter.com/A1EniGJwdt
— Rebecca - Unslaved! (@Trump2046245929) February 17, 2021
Mine are in the bathroom but. pic.twitter.com/Ac1NhRBHur
— Stacy Strehlow (@woodlandsmfm) February 17, 2021
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