A heartwarming story emerged from the skies as a baby boy was born during a flight from Tashkent to Istanbul on April 26. According to reports from Uzbekistan Airways, the mother, a 27-year-old Uzbekistan citizen, began to feel unwell towards the end of the flight, and the childbirth process began.
Luckily, the foreman of the flight attendants was able to locate a doctor among the passengers who assisted in the child's birth. After a safe landing in Istanbul, medical personnel were waiting to transport the newborn and mother to a nearby clinic. Both the mother and baby are in satisfactory condition.
The carrier has announced that it will present memorable gifts to passengers who provided all possible assistance during childbirth in memory of this event. The airline hopes that a baby born on World Pilots Day will connect his life with the sky and aviation.
World Pilots Day is celebrated each year on April 26 and can trace its origins back to 1912 when a young Turkish pilot named Fesa Evrensev took to the skies for the first time.
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