The Chinese company plans to invest in cogeneration and small hydropower projects in Fergana, the regional government of the Fergana region informs.

The Governor of the region Khairullo Bozorov received the delegation led by Goin Fu, the head of the Chinese company Feng Yuan.
At the meeting, the Chinese company discussed the introduction of a modern cogeneration system (production of heat and electricity at the same time), the construction of mini-hydroelectric plants, as well as the implementation of investment projects on obtaining energy from bio-waste in the territory of Fergana region.
The mayor of Ferghana noted that the installation of cogeneration equipment is of great importance in the continuous supply of heat and electricity to the population and social sector objects. Compact hydropower stations that do not require dams offer a great opportunity to create additional energy capacity and he also noted that Feng Yuan expressed that they are ready to fully support the projects planned to be implemented in the region by the company.
It was reported that the Chinese company is also planning to establish a cluster that includes the process from design to commissioning in the implementation of energy projects in Uzbekistan.
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