In 2023, approximately 652,014 Tajik citizens secured employment abroad, while 6,500 people of this number found a job with the help of Tajikistan's Agency for Employment Abroad. A significant majority of these individuals, specifically 77% or about 5,000, relocated to Russia for work, Interfax reported.
During the beginning of 2023, representatives from nearly 40 companies across 13 countries were hosted. Russian businesses were particularly well-represented, reflecting their interest in employing workers from Tajikistan. Official data indicates that over 100 Russian companies are keen to recruit more than 20,000 Tajik workers.
The ministry is actively working to expand labour migration routes, developing draft agreements on labour mobility with countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, South Korea, Canada, Poland, Latvia, Germany, Singapore, Japan, the Philippines, and Saudi Arabia.
Despite a 16% decline in Tajik citizens seeking jobs abroad in 2023, education programs are expanding better to equip labour migrants with over 100 vocational specialities. Additionally, new Migration Service Centers (MSCs), backed by the Asian Development Bank, will be established to provide pre-departure training, skills certification, language lessons, financial education, and legal guidance for migrant workers.
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