As per the decision issued by the Cabinet of Ministers, trucks weighing over 5 tons are now prohibited from using streets that contain historical and cultural heritage sites. The directive also outlines that waste collection and secondary raw materials reception points must be situated beyond the protected perimeters of these material and cultural heritage properties, the legal information website reports.

Moreover, within the vicinity of these material and cultural heritage properties, temporary collection and storage of solid household waste will be arranged discreetly on the building's facade, away from public view and traffic. Previously, the Tashkent Municipal Investment and Construction Bank had revealed ongoing discussions regarding the potential restriction of truck movement during peak hours within the city.
In December 2021, the Ministry of Culture's Fund for the Development of Culture and Art underwent restructuring into the Cabinet of Ministers' Fund for the Development of Culture and Art, maintaining its existing funding mechanism and staffing levels.
Initiated in October 2017 by Presidential Decree, this fund has been active in safeguarding the nation's cultural heritage. In 2021, various preservation projects were reported, including the restoration of Prince Nikolai Romanov's former residence, the modern art center's reconstruction, the refurbishment of the former Intourist Cultural and information center building, enhancements to the Republic of Tashkent children's library, rejuvenation of modernist structures in the capital, and the construction of a new State Art Museum building in Uzbekistan.
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