The XXVI session of the Intergovernmental Council for Exploration, Use, and Protection of the Subsoil of the CIS Countries, held on September 21-22, 2023, in Samarkand, witnessed active participation from delegations representing Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Russia, and Belarus.

During this session, Oymukhammadzoda Ilkhomjon Sultan, the Head of the Main Department of Geology in Tajikistan and Chairman of the Intergovernmental Council, presented a comprehensive report detailing the achievements and progress made in the field of subsoil exploration and protection over the recent period.

One significant outcome of this session was the transfer of the chairmanship of the Intergovernmental Council to the Ministry of Mining and Geology of Uzbekistan. This transition represents a notable change in leadership within the council.

Furthermore, the session provided a platform for experts to deliberate on a range of crucial issues within the realm of geology. These discussions encompassed topics such as personnel training and advanced education in geology, the exploration and development of new and unconventional mineral resources, the adoption of modern technologies, and the presentation of findings from exploration and scientific research endeavors.
The collaborative spirit of the meeting was further solidified through the signing of several cooperation agreements, fostering greater intergovernmental engagement in underground activities. Additionally, the baton for chairing the XXVII session of the Intergovernmental Council was passed to the Kyrgyz Republic, indicating a commitment to regional cooperation in this vital field.
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