Turkmenistan is already facing the consequences of climate change, the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper reports.
For example, the increase in the average atmospheric air temperature in Turkmenistan over the past 55 years amounted to 1.4°C, while globally the temperature has increased by an average of 0.8°C over the past 100 years. In addition, the frequency and amount of precipitation is decreasing, floods, mudflows and heat waves are becoming more frequent. The country is also facing the consequences of the Aral Sea disaster.
Adaptation to climate change is at the heart of the "National Strategy on Climate Change".
"The strategy is designed to stimulate the transition to integrated planning to ensure sustainable development of Turkmenistan, preparing the country's economy for the consequences of climate change by improving economic, food, water and environmental security."
The Strategy also envisages a set of measures on rational use of natural resources, combating land degradation, developing forestry and increasing the area of forest plantations, improving the condition of irrigated lands and counteracting soil salinisation.
Credits: Eziz Boyarov
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