UZBEKISTAN - The Central Election Commission has officially approved the form and text of the ballot for the upcoming presidential election in Uzbekistan, scheduled to take place on July 9.
During the commission's recent meeting, it was determined that the ballot paper would include the candidates' surnames, first names, and patronymics. Additionally, the results of vote counting at polling stations and the reports on determining election outcomes by electoral district would be arranged in accordance with the Uzbek alphabet's Latin script.

The meeting also addressed the matter of implementing video broadcasting measures for the election process in select polling stations. Specific steps were defined to enable real-time online video broadcasting of the voting process on election day. This decision entails installing video cameras and other necessary devices in up to two polling stations in each district and city throughout the country.
Based on a recommendation from the 14th Tashkent City District Election Commission, which is conducting the election ahead of schedule, a pilot test will introduce digital technologies to the voting process. Biometric identification of voters will be implemented in some polling stations located in Tashkent city districts. The procedure for biometric identification of voters in these polling stations was approved during the meeting.
In terms of observer missions, the Central Election Commission accredited 43 representatives from organizations such as the OSCE, CIS, and others to participate in the early presidential election.
Accreditation of local media representatives was also discussed, and based on appeals received by the commission, 124 representatives from 25 media outlets were accredited. Currently, the total number of accredited mass media representatives stands at 353.

As preparations for the presidential election in Uzbekistan progress, these decisions and measures aim to ensure a transparent and fair electoral process. The Central Election Commission continues to fulfill its responsibilities in facilitating a smooth and democratic election.
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