After the conversation between Presidents Emmanuel Macron of France and Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine, France vowed to give Ukraine several armored cars and small tanks, notably AMX-10RC tanks, in a bilateral proclamation.

The proclamation, which was made public on the Ukrainian President's website, also indicates that France plans to strengthen Ukraine's air security measures and work with European Union and NATO allies to educate the Ukrainian army.
The proclamation underscores that France's help to Ukraine is not limited to military assistance. For instance, two portable DNA analysis facilities have already been transported to Ukraine to help in war crimes investigations. The agreement further states that such support will be expanded in the future.
President Zelensky's travel to France on May 14 came after consultations with the German President and Chancellor in Berlin. Prior to Zelensky's arrival, the German government unveiled a three-billion-euro military aid agreement for Ukraine. Zelensky traveled to London after his vacation in Paris.
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