The United Nations has expressed a positive reception towards the Taliban's intention to engage in the forthcoming Afghanistan conference in Doha.

Roza Otunboyeva, the UN Secretary-General's Special Representative for Afghanistan, emphasized the significance of this move.
"We are trying to continue the process and maintain the important consultation mechanism. We welcome the announcement by the Taliban officials that they are preparing to participate in the conference in Doha," Otunboyeva stated.
She further highlighted the necessity of focusing on the objective outlined in an independent assessment, which calls for the complete reintegration of Afghanistan into the international community, in accordance with international legal obligations.
In February, the Taliban opted out of a similar UN-sponsored conference in Doha. At that time, they objected to the inclusion of Afghan activists who did not support their agenda and disagreed with the conference's agenda.
The upcoming conference in Doha will also see participation from Zamir Kabulov, the Russian president's special representative on Afghanistan and the director of the second Asian department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Kabulov confirmed his attendance earlier on June 11, pointing out Russia's ongoing interest and involvement in the Afghan peace process.
The last UN-sponsored conference in Doha, held in February, brought together representatives from 25 countries to discuss a roadmap for mutual cooperation with Afghanistan.
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