Telegram, the messaging platform known for its commitment to user privacy and security, unveiled a monetization feature for owners of public channels on March 31.
According to information shared on the Telegram Info channel, which serves as an official source for Telegram updates, the platform's channels collectively receive more than 1 trillion views monthly. Owners of public channels with a minimum of 1,000 subscribers are eligible to participate in the monetization program. These eligible channel owners stand to receive 50% of the revenue generated from advertisements displayed within their channels.
To facilitate transparency and tracking of earnings, Telegram has integrated monetization features into channel settings. Channel owners can access detailed advertising revenue statistics within the statistics section of their channels.
In the future, the withdrawal of rewards will be facilitated through the Fragment platform. Additionally, Telegram introduces Toncoin cryptocurrency as a payment option for advertisements. Toncoin operates on the TON blockchain and offers advantages such as low commissions, high transaction processing speed, and support for a significant volume of payments per second.
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