In a step forward to strengthen vocational education in Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Poverty Reduction and Employment and the Development Bank of the Federal Republic of Germany signed a groundbreaking agreement at the International Business Center in Tashkent. The signing ceremony was attended by official representatives of Germany’s KfW Bank, high-ranking experts, and local industry specialists.

The primary focus of this strategic collaboration is the comprehensive reform of Uzbekistan's vocational education system. The project aims to modernize dual education formats in alignment with the evolving demands of the labor market. The agreement underscores the commitment of both parties to address the needs of the labor market effectively.

As outlined in the agreement, the German Development Bank will provide a grant of €16mn to facilitate the development of vocational training in Uzbekistan. A substantial portion of this funding, €14mn, will be allocated for the technical and methodological modernization of seven training centers within the Ministry of Poverty Reduction and Employment. This injection of funds is expected to bring advancements to these centers, ensuring that they remain at the forefront of vocational education.

The remaining €2mn from the grant will be dedicated to supporting the overall project and its various facets. This financial contribution is expected to play a crucial role in driving the success of the initiative.

During the ceremony, discussions at a high level emphasized the project's broader goals, including the further development of the vocational education sector, the strengthening of modern professional skills among the population, and the expansion of cooperation to enhance the quality and competitiveness of the local labor force. The collaborative effort signifies a shared commitment to fostering a skilled workforce equipped to meet the challenges of the contemporary job market.
This initiative is poised to contribute significantly to Uzbekistan's socio-economic development by ensuring that its workforce is equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in an ever-evolving global landscape.
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