In the 42nd plenary session of Uzbekistan's Senate of the Oliy Majlis, a law aimed at expanding the usage of the state flag was discussed and passed, the Senate's press service reports.

The law introduces various provisions allowing the state flag to be utilized in different contexts, including sports competitions, mass physical training, cultural events, official international gatherings, family celebrations, commemorative occasions, funerals of esteemed individuals in society and the state, military personnel, and other instances where respect is ensured. Amendments and additions are being made to facilitate these expanded uses.
Furthermore, the law creates extensive opportunities for the general population to display signs bearing the image of the flag. This encompasses public places, buildings, residential and workplace areas, vehicle salons, official international events, uniforms, insignias of military or other state services, as well as attire for international sports competitions and national championships in Uzbekistan.
It is emphasized that the law explicitly prohibits the improper use of the flag and signs bearing its image, which includes violations of etiquette, social norms, or any form of behavior deemed offensive.
According to Senate members, this law "aims to foster greater love, pride, and patriotism among the population, particularly the youth, towards their country and to establish a stronger connection with the national flag."
#flag #Uzbekistan
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