A resident of the Bukhara region's Peshkun district had cut off a donkey's ears. As a result, the animal died after exsanguination. The incident was reported on the morning of April 8 by the Mehr va Oqibat animal protection society.

Earlier, a man posted footage on Facebook showing the bleeding donkey with its ears cut off. The video author confessed that his fellow villager committed the cruelty. When the animal was smaller, a fellow villager cut off his tail.
Animal protection society Mehr va Oqibat reported the incident to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan with a request to find the perpetrator and punish him by law.
On April 8, the Department of Internal Affairs of the Bukhara region reported that an administrative protocol had been drawn up for U. A. (born 1985) under article 111, part 2, of the Code of Administrative Liability - cruel treatment of an animal resulting in its death or injury.
The case was referred to the district court. The penalty under this article is a fine of up to ten fundamental values or administrative arrest of up to 15 days.
According to the Department of Internal Affairs, the incident occurred on the evening of April 6. U. A. cut off the ears of his neighbor's donkey, allegedly 'due to damage to his garden plot.'
Earlier this week, residents of the Kashkadarya region insulted and killed a Red-listed bear. The animal's body was later cremated in the oven of the local veterinary department.
More on this subject:
Residents of Kashkadarya region insult and kill Red-listed bear
Another case of alleged cruelty in Tashkent; locals assume stray puppy was shot in eye
36-year-old owner of slaughterhouse stays in temporary detention facility
Volunteers of Mehr va Oqibat recall day when they rescued dogs from slaughter in Tashkent region
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