To enhance wildlife conservation efforts, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Kazakhstan, in collaboration with the Forestry and Wildlife Committee of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Kazakhstan (FWC MENR RK), has handed over two specialized heavy trucks to the Ulytau National Park and the Ile-Balkhash Nature Reserve.

The delivery of these vehicles, which took place recently, is part of a broader initiative between UNDP and the government of Kazakhstan, aiming to support the reintroduction of the Turan tiger and safeguard the natural, historical, and cultural heritage of the Ulytau Mountains.
The modern trucks, equipped with high cross capabilities, will be crucial in carrying out biotechnical measures, including restoration projects within specially protected natural areas (SPNAs). This equipment is expected to greatly enhance the monitoring and conservation of these key ecosystems.
“The provision of equipment to the specially protected natural areas is part of UNDP’s broader efforts to conserve biodiversity and restore ecosystems,” said Katarzyna Wawiernia, UNDP Resident Representative in Kazakhstan. “These initiatives contribute to the development of protected areas across Kazakhstan, the strengthening of human capacity in the environmental sector, and the restoration of forests, alongside supporting remote communities. Ultimately, these actions will assist Kazakhstan in meeting its international commitments to biodiversity conservation and climate change.”

Daniyar Turgambayev, Chairperson of the Committee of Forestry and Wildlife, underscored the ongoing cooperation between the Kazakh government and UNDP in enhancing ecosystem preservation and wildlife protection. He emphasized the importance of strengthening technical resources in protected areas and highlighted the success of efforts across two pilot areas, covering over 470,000 hectares.
“Over the past few years, significant work has been done to develop management plans for Ulytau National Park and to stimulate job creation through ecotourism. Efforts are also focused on the reintroduction of the Turan tiger into the Ile-Balkhash Nature Reserve, which includes the restoration of floodplain forests and the repopulation of wild hoofed animals,” Turgambayev stated. “The provision of modern transportation equipment is essential to these ongoing initiatives and will aid in regional development.”
The UNDP and Government of Kazakhstan project, which has been running since 2021, spans the Almaty and Ulytau regions. Key activities include the establishment of tourist trails, ecotourism training for local entrepreneurs, and ongoing restoration of floodplain tugai forests in the Southern Balkhash region and Ulytau foothills. Additionally, the project has introduced a SMART patrol system and provided fire-fighting equipment to combat natural disasters. Last year, the project also facilitated the transportation of 100 kulans to the Ile-Balkhash Nature Reserve to support wildlife diversity.
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