On the "Ekolog.uz" Telegram channel, there was a message about the killing of a targyl hyena, a very rare species that lives exclusively in the Surkhandarya region of Uzbekistan. This species is listed in both the international and Uzbekistan "Red Book" of endangered species.

The flora and fauna of Uzbekistan are considered state wealth, comparable to mineral resources. The killing of these few remaining animals is viewed as a crime against the country. To preserve these species, it is suggested that harsher penalties, including prison sentences, be imposed for such acts, categorizing them as extremely serious crimes.
Investigation and Findings
Following the incident, the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change of the Surkhandarya Region, along with the National Guard, conducted an investigation. It was found that the act was committed by a citizen identified as Sh. in the "Abodon" neighborhood, "Takatosh" massif. The nature damage was assessed at over UZS 1bn ($79,160).
During the investigation, bones of an unknown animal were discovered and sent to relevant organizations for a scientific conclusion on the species. Once the conclusion is received, the documents will be sent to the prosecutor's office for further action.
Legal Framework

According to Article 202 of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan, the killing of animals included in the "Red Book" is punishable by a fine of 400 to 600 times the minimum monthly salary, restriction of liberty from 3 to 5 years.
Ecological Significance of the Targyl Hyena
The targyl hyena in the Surkhandarya region differs significantly from its African relatives. It is larger and has distinct traits. These hyenas feed on meat, carrion, fruit, and even plants when food is scarce. In recent years, human exploitation of their habitat for pastures and livestock raising has drastically reduced their population, putting them on the brink of extinction.
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