Kazakhstan is preparing to enact a new law in the upcoming parliamentary session that will regulate religious practices, particularly those considered non-traditional or potentially harmful. This legislation will address various aspects of religious expression, including the wearing of religious attire in public settings, Zakon.kz reports.

Majilis deputy Yermurat Bapi confirmed the forthcoming law, noting its importance in addressing societal issues. The legislation will prohibit the wearing of religious clothing in schools and other public areas. While Bapi is familiar with the content of the law, he stated that the specifics will be subject to discussion and approval within the working group.
Additionally, the law will ban the wearing of burqas in public spaces, with violators facing penalties such as warnings or fines. The draft law is currently undergoing approval processes within state bodies, indicating its imminent introduction in the parliamentary session.
Bapi emphasized that the law aims to address various societal issues related to religious expression. By implementing these regulations, the government aims to manage potential conflicts arising from religious practices in public spaces. Yermurat Bapi explained what issues such a bill could regulate.
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