During his visit to Fergana, Dr. Eyad Al Saleh, Chairperson of the Board at Gulf Care General Trading, unveiled plans for transformative projects across various industries on January 19, the National Information Agency of Uzbekistan reported.

The region, known for its focus on attracting direct investments and fostering promising ventures, welcomes the participation of large Kuwaiti companies in its development. Fergana region’s Hokim (governor) Khayrullo Bozorov, recently hosted a delegation led by Dr. Eyad Al Saleh, where prospects for collaboration in key sectors such as medicine and pharmaceuticals, energy, and mining were thoroughly discussed. The meeting served as a platform for the exchange of ideas regarding the implementation of crucial investment and trade-economic projects in the region.

One of the initiatives highlighted during the meeting is the Kuwaiti entrepreneur's commitment to establishing a diagnostic laboratory for a state medical institution in Fergana. The project, which aims to enhance healthcare facilities in the region, will be implemented free of charge. A dedicated building in the Fergana branch of the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Maternal and Child Health has been allocated for this purpose.

In addition to healthcare, Dr. Eyad Al Saleh expressed admiration for the silk industry in Uzbekistan. As a result, he unveiled plans to launch a large-scale silk processing project in Fergana. The project aims to capitalize on the rich tradition of sericulture in the region and will involve the export of silk fabrics and products. The Kuwaiti entrepreneur received assurances from local authorities that all necessary support and resources will be provided to facilitate the successful implementation of projects in the sericulture, jewelry, and mining industries.
Earlier, Daryo reported about the meeting between Uzbekistan's First Deputy Foreign Minister, Bakhromjon Aloyev, and Kuwait's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Ahmad Aljeeran. The focal point of the discussion was the assessment of the current state and future potential of the diverse partnership between the two nations. These high-level talks delved into various facets of their bilateral relationship, highlighting the imperative need for increased collaboration in economic diplomacy. Both parties unequivocally expressed their commitment to bolstering trade turnover, attracting investments, and jointly executing strategic projects.
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