Scientists from Uzbekistan have unveiled a novel antiviral vaccine derived from a tomato plant and genetic vectors to fight against COVID-19. The innovative vaccine, named TOMAVAC, is distinct in that it can be consumed directly from the tomato plant, Frontiers reports.
The researchers employed specialized vectors to incorporate a gene fragment responsible for encoding the antigenic protein S1 of the coronavirus into the genome of tomato cells. Subsequently, a tomato plant was cultivated from these genetically modified cells, consistently producing the S1 antigen protein. The TOMAVAC vaccine was then derived from the tomato fruits, showcasing a stable synthesis of the antigenic protein S1 at a rate of 0.77 μg/g.
Testing of TOMAVAC demonstrated promising results, revealing that both mice and human volunteers generated elevated levels of neutralizing antibodies (IgA) in the blood serum and (IgG) in the intestines. Encouragingly, no adverse side effects were observed among the volunteers or test mice.
The study underscores TOMAVAC as a safe vaccine offering dual-phase protection, targeting both the intestinal mucosa and the bloodstream. It marks a historic milestone as the first coronavirus vaccine designed for direct consumption. The findings have been published in the esteemed international journal Frontiers in Nutritional Immunology (IF=5.0), along with the results of a Phase I immunogenicity and biosafety study conducted on mice and human volunteers.
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