A correspondent from Tengrinews.kz reported on July 2 that, in two southern districts of the Kostanay region, fields have been attacked by locusts. Giant swarms of insects are devouring everything in their path. Farmers have already given up hope and do not expect any help from the government. On July 10, it was revealed that the pesticides delivered to farmers were ineffective in controlling the pest infestation.
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The regional inspection in the Kostanay region has confirmed the implementation of effective measures against locusts. During the local inspection, the situation was reported to be under control, with even local media starting a briefing with the statement "Agriculture is not dealing with locust-infested farming." This means that farmers who have suffered losses due to locust attacks will not be compensated.
"There is no compensation for locusts. If the agricultural producer has insured their crop against damage caused by locusts, they would receive compensation. However, in such cases, insurers do not provide coverage against locusts. We have a situation in Kazakhstan where the state cultivates crops resistant to locusts, unlike in neighbouring countries. For example, in Russia, pesticides are subsidised," stated Dakhon Abdikarimov, an official representative of the Kostanay regional inspection.
According to official information, nearly 70% of the reorganised area in the Kostanay region has been restored. Currently, the locust population has reached its peak in the region, and next year there is a possibility of even greater damage to be incurred by affected areas. Now the insect will lay eggs and will not feed, so it will not destroy crops.
So far, approximately 500 hectares of barley fields have been affected by locusts, and the damage caused by locusts has not increased since the initial days when pest control measures were implemented.
"The situation is under control, and I can confidently say that there is no global damage. In the Jangeldi district, damage has been recorded on 500 hectares of land, but we need to add the damage caused by secondary pests. Negotiations and preventive measures start from locusts and end with secondary pests. There are no official complaints. Some phone calls might be aimed at increasing the audience for bloggers, but I don't know their specific intentions. We don't have time now, but later we will clarify where false information was announced," stated the Kostanay regional inspection.
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