The Kokand University in Uzbekistan on April 13-14 held a conference dedicated to the 540 anniversary of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur’s birthday, Dunyo reports. The institution has a department devoted to studying Babur and his era. It offers courses on Babur's life and legacy, as well as on the history and culture of Central Asia.
‘We are proud to follow the initiatives of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to celebrate the 540th anniversary of the birth of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur, the great poet and encyclopedist who left an indelible mark in world history’, TURKSOY Deputy Secretary General Prof. Dr. Bilal Çakıcı said addressing the conference participants.

‘Efforts to identify rare manuscripts and other cultural values related to Babur’s life and work, their delivery to Uzbekistan, and research are to be commended. It is no exaggeration to say that Uzbekistan is becoming an example for the Turkic world, inheriting the treasure of its great ancestors,’ he added.
Chaired by the International Organization of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY), Uzbekistan’s ministries of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation as well as Culture and Tourism, the city councils of Fergana region and Kokand, etc., the event saw the scientific community and officials, who noted that the event would significantly contribute to further research and analysis of the scientific and literary heritage of Babur.
Muhammad Zahiriddin Babur was born in 1483 in Andijan in present-day Uzbekistan. He was a skilled military commander, poet, and writer. His memoirs, the Baburnama, provide a vivid account of his life and times. He died in 1530 and was succeeded by his son, Humayun.
Babur's legacy inspires people worldwide, and his contributions to Central Asian and Indian history are widely recognized.
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