In Uzbekistan, the development of innovative technologies in the agricultural sector is more important than huge projects like Apple, Google, or Facebook, Daryo correspondent has reported citing Shahlo Turdiqulova, the Deputy Minister of Innovative Development as saying.
Shahlo Turdiqulova
Photo: Ministry of Innovative Development
Shahlo Turdiqulova said that innovations are divided into two types and each of them is developing in our republic.
"Innovation is divided into two types. Soft and Hard. Soft innovation is the most developed in the world. For example, computer apps, Apple, Google, etc. are of this category. In the conditions of Uzbekistan, hard start-ups have been developing in recent years. This is a more difficult matter. Because writing Soft requires a computer and knowledge. And for hard, it is necessary to have a laboratory and other conditions. I think that from the point of view of our state, Hard innovations are better. The fact that we have an increase in Hard innovations shows that our science has developed. An accelerator that helps to develop scientific startups is working in our center of advanced innovations. The importance of innovation for agricultural techniques is important. We believe that the most beneficial innovations for our country are Hard innovations. Of course, Soft innovation is also being developed. We are financing many projects in this direction," said the deputy minister.
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