The official launch of the regional #HearHerStory campaign took place on November 25, as part of the global "16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence" initiative.
Every 10 minutes, 1 woman is killed worldwide by intimate partners or family members. According to UN Women, no country in the world is even close to eradicating violence against women, which is the most pervasive violation of human rights.

The Launch Event in Uzbekistan held on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, brought together over 60 participants, including high-level government officials, influencers, representatives from international organizations, civil society, UN agencies, embassies, journalists, bloggers, designers, and activists.
According to preliminary results from femicide research conducted by a team of researchers with support from UN Women and the School of Data, the number of femicide victims in Uzbekistan has increased from 2014 to 2023, reaching a peak of 79 victims in 2023. In 91% of cases, the perpetrators were men. One in every two women is murdered by a current or former partner, and one in every four women is murdered by a family member. Most murdered women (61%) are killed in their own homes - places meant for safety and care.
The preliminary data presented here are derived from femicide research conducted by Niginakhon Saida, Svetlana Dzardanova, Gulnoza Akhmedova, and Deniz Nazarova as part of a joint initiative of UN Women “Making Every Woman and Girl Count” regional programme, the School of Data and Data against Feminicide. The full report will be launched in 2025.
The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of UN Women, the United Nations or any of its affiliated organizations.

Panel Discussion Highlights
The panel discussion, moderated by Aitbek Amangeldi, an activist and founder of a volunteer support network for survivors from Kazakhstan, emphasized the power of storytelling in driving change. Aitbek stated, “#HearHerStory demonstrates the importance of uniting society to break stereotypes, end gender-based violence and combat systemic issues, combining the power of narratives with the urgency of eradicating gender-based violence and femicide.”
Other panelists included: Zafar Khashimov, Founder of the Korzinka supermarket chain, Shakhnoza Soatova, blogger and public figure, Mirshokhid Aslanov, Founder of the Center for Progressive Reforms, Alina Valamatzade, young journalist from Tajikistan, and Matlyuba Kakharova, religious leader.
Discussions focused on how gender stereotypes, societal norms, and victim-blaming in Central Asia exacerbate violence and explored effective solutions to eliminate these issues.
The event concluded with a symbolic march by male influencers from across the region, advocating for gender equality and calling for an end to violence against women. Their participation highlighted the vital role of men as allies in dismantling stereotypes and addressing the root causes of violence.
Gender-based violence is rooted in harmful gender stereotypes, inequality, the normalization of violence, and impunity.

The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence is an annual global campaign running from November 25 (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women**) to December 10 (Human Rights Day). Led by the UN Secretary-General and UN Women since 2008, this campaign seeks to prevent and eliminate violence against women and girls worldwide. In 2024, the campaign calls for the mobilization of society to prevent violence against women, demonstrate solidarity with women’s rights advocates, support feminist movements, dismantle harmful stereotypes, and build a violence-free world.
Regional social media campaign #HearHerStory - is an external initiative that unites influencers, bloggers, journalists, activists and social media users in the fight against gender-based violence. It goes beyond UN Women Regional Office platforms and aims to amplify the voices of women and girls who have experienced any type of violence, discrimination, or harassment, inspiring collective action to end gender-based violence and share their stories using the hashtag #HearHerStory.
The main idea of #HearHerStory is to make survivors to be heard, to dismantle stereotypes and victim-blaming, to break the silence around gender-based violence. Silence, reinforced by stigma and indifference in society, normalization of violence and condemnation of survivors, allows violence to spread, often leading to femicide.
By combining storytelling with the need to prevent femicide, #HearHerStory highlights the importance of collective action to address deeply rooted systemic issues.
The launch was supported by Hilton Tashkent, Teplo Market, GU Construction, and La Maison du Tchapan, showcasing how partnerships between businesses and civil society can promote gender equality and a violence-free future.
*Femicide refers to the killing of women based on their gender. It is the most severe and extreme form of violence against women and girls.
**2024 marks 25 years since the designation of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Join the #HearHerStory campaign, share stories, and help amplify the voices of women to create a safer and more equitable world.
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