Uzbek criminal leader Salim Abduvaliyev, also known as Salimbay, has been the subject of recent death reports. Abdurakhman Tashanov, chairman of the Ezgulik Human Rights Society, announced on Facebook that news of Abduvaliyev’s death emerged on a YouTube channel on August 11. However, some Telegram channels have disputed the veracity of this information. In response, Daryo contacted Shakhrukh Giyosov, head of the Interior Ministry’s information service, who confirmed, "The information disseminated does not correspond to reality."

Salim Abduvaliyev, born in Tashkent in 1950, held notable positions including deputy chairman of the National Olympic Committee and chairman of the Uzbekistan Wrestling Association. He was arrested in December 2023 during a preventive operation in Tashkent on suspicion of illegal possession of firearms under Article 248, part 1, of the Criminal Code. Abduvaliyev was placed in procedural detention.
On March 19, the Mirabad District Criminal Court concluded the trial against him. Abduvaliyev was released from criminal liability concerning Article 246 (smuggling) of the Criminal Code due to the expiration of the criminal prosecution period.
However, he was convicted under Article 248, paragraph 2 (unlawful handling of firearms, ammunition, and explosives), and sentenced to six years of imprisonment in a general regime colony.
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