Lake Techirghiol in Constanta, Romania, has become an extraordinary sight for locals and tourists alike as the water on its shores has turned a vibrant shade of pink. This unusual phenomenon has captured the attention of many, and experts attribute the unique coloration to red-pigmented microorganisms, bacteria, and algae that have thrived under the combined factors of increased salinity and high temperatures.
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The stunning pink hue covering parts of the lake's salt-water shore appeared recently after temperatures soared past 30 degrees Celsius. As the mercury rose, sulfur bacteria in Lake Techirghiol began to precipitate like pink dust on the light-exposed parts of the algae, causing the water's color to change dramatically.
Scientific researchers have confirmed that this natural occurrence is not harmful to the environment or the renowned sapropelic mud found in the lake. On the contrary, the phenomenon contributes to improving the quality of the mud, which is highly sought after by tourists during this time of the year. Sapropelic mud is known for its potential therapeutic benefits and attracts visitors from various parts of the country and beyond.
"It's very beautiful, unique. I've been here before, but I haven't seen it pink," said one woman visiting the lake, expressing her awe at the breathtaking sight.
Specialists emphasized that pink coloration is a common feature of salt lakes with high temperatures and salt concentrations. Similar situations have been observed in other regions around the world, including Africa and the Himalayas, where high salt concentrations lead to reddish hues in lakes and salt deposits.
"The salt obtained by natural desalination under the sun goes through a stage of this kind of bacterial proliferation and turns a reddish color," explained scientific researcher Adrian Bîlbă, shedding light on the scientific mechanism behind the phenomenon.
While the spectacle may be captivating to many, some visitors have reported an unpleasant smell in the air due to the algae bloom. However, experts assure that the smell is only temporary and will subside once temperatures drop or the algae bloom diminishes.
In addition to the current algae bloom event, Lake Techirghiol experienced an unusual climate-related phenomenon the previous year. A prolonged drought caused the water to recede approximately 50 meters from its original shoreline, impacting the lake's ecosystem and surroundings.
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