On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Justice and the Agency for Youth Affairs have announced a nationwide exam on how well the citizens know their constitution.
The competition is organized separately into 3 categories in the following 2 stages:
Stage 1 - tests:
- for general education school, academic lyceum and technical school students - November 26 from 9:00 to 14:00;
- for lawyers and students studying law at higher educational institutions - November 27 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.;
- for all other citizens - November 28 from 9:00 to 14:00.
Stage 2 - conversation.
Participants will participate in the test online through the 8-dekabr.adliya.uz website. The exam consists of 20 test questions and 1 creative question. Among the participants who answered the questions correctly in the shortest time, 30 people will be selected and their answers to the creative question will be considered.
According to the evaluation result, 10 participants with the highest scores will go to the next stage.
The second stage (interview) will be held on the eve of Constitution Day, December 8. The interview process will be broadcasted online.
The winners will be awarded diplomas and the following valuable prizes:
- 1st place - laptop; 2nd place - TV; 3rd place - microwave oven.
Only one account is allowed to participate in the competition.
To participate in the competition, register on the website 8-dekabr.adliya.uz (from November 15 to November 25, 23:59).
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