The latest figures released on May 15, by the European Commission shed light on the visa application trends for citizens of Uzbekistan seeking entry into the Schengen area. In 2023, consulates of EU and associated Schengen countries received over 10.3 mn applications for short-stay visas, marking a significant 37% increase from the previous year. However, this figure still falls short of the pre-pandemic levels recorded in 2019, when requests reached 17 mn.
Across the consulates of Schengen states, Uzbekistan's citizens submitted a total of 45,622 visa applications in 2023. Of these, 23.91% resulted in visas being issued, while 2,446 applications were not granted, representing a refusal rate of approximately 5.36%.

However, when examining individual consulate data, notable disparities emerge. For instance, the Czech Republic consulate in Tashkent witnessed a higher refusal rate of 30.90%, while France and Slovakia recorded relatively lower refusal rates of 14.20% and 8.30%, respectively.
The refusal rate in Russia increased slightly from 10.2% in 2022 to 10.6% in 2023. Similarly, Turkey witnessed a rise from 15.7% to 16.1%, and Iran experienced a notable increase from 25.2% to 30.3%.
While almost 8.5 mn visas were issued in 2023, including multiple entries into the Schengen area, this figure represents a slight decrease compared to the previous year. Moreover, the proportion of visas allowing multiple entries decreased from 58.1% in 2022 to 54.2% in 2023, indicating stricter entry conditions or heightened scrutiny.
Here are some prevalent reasons behind visa refusals as per to GovAssist:
Incomplete Documentation: One of the primary reasons for visa denials is incomplete or improperly filled-out documentation.
Lack of Sufficient Funds: Another common cause for visa refusals is the inability to demonstrate adequate financial means to support the planned stay in the Schengen Area. Applicants are typically required to prove they have enough funds to cover their expenses during their visit.
Unclear Purpose of Visit: Visa officers may deny applications if the purpose of the trip is not clearly defined. Failing to articulate the specific reason for travel can raise doubts about the applicant's intentions and credibility.
Doubts about Return: Consulates may refuse visas if they suspect that the applicant may not return to their home country after the intended visit. Lack of evidence or assurance of the applicant's intention to leave the Schengen Area can result in visa denial.
Travel Insurance Issues: Not having travel insurance that meets the requirements specified by Schengen regulations is another significant factor contributing to visa refusals. Applicants are typically required to have adequate travel insurance coverage for the duration of their stay.
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