"Uzbekistan Airports" released a statement regarding recent allegations of violating the requirements of Article 34 of the Law "On Public Procurement" filed by the Anti-Corruption Agency of Uzbekistan.

According to the statement, the selection of the best offers for the purchase of a mini PC with a total cost of UZS 4.3bn (about $377,000) was announced on the etender.uzex.uz electronic platform on February 7, 2023.
On February 13 "Uzbekistan Airports" received an order from the Anti-Corruption Agency that the technical specifications for this lot indicate the brand of the Intel processor, which is a violation of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Public Procurement" and the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About competition".
"As part of the order of the Anti-Corruption Agency, the above selection was canceled before the end of the auction, and the lot was accordingly removed from the electronic platform. Cancellation of the selection has become a preventive measure to prevent selection and violation of the law. In this regard, the information message of the anti-corruption department is incorrect", said the organization.
The company also noted that the process of placing new lots etender.uzex.uz platform requires indicating the brand as a mandatory action. Without choosing a specific processor brand, it is "technically impossible" to put the lot up for auction. "This function was established by the Exchange and the responsible officer of the Anti-Corruption Agency was informed about it", concluded the statement.
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