“Artemia cysts (brine shrimps) are widely used in agriculture, medicine, and cosmetology around the world,” Sobidjon Tolaganov, head of the State Committee for the Development of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry, informed "Daryo" about this.
According to experts, brine shrimps grow well in chlorinated, sulfated, carbonated, and saline environments (up to 300 grams of salt in 1 liter of water). This class of branchiopods is a simple organism that hasn't mutated and changed for over a hundred million years. There are several species of this creature in the world. The inhabitants of the Aral Sea belong to the genus Artemia parthenogenetica.
Brine shrimps naturally strengthen the skin's immunity, improves its color, and protect against UV rays. Therefore, it is considered an invaluable product in the field of cosmetology all over the world.
The official of the Ecological committee of Uzbekistan said that 1,266 tons of artemia cysts have been exported to China and Vietnam. Now there are some orders from western countries.
"Preliminary documents on veterinary requirements are being prepared in order to obtain a permit for the export of Artemia cyst products to the countries of the European Union.
The Belgian company NV is the world leader in the production and sale of Artemia cysts, the company fully imports the raw product. If the necessary conditions for deep processing are created, then it will be possible to sell the finished product from $50 to $250,” Sobidjon Tolaganov noted.
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