The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Ecology and Environment Protection made an official statement on the papers published by stating that those 18 141 animal killing permits were for scientific purposes.
The response states that the hunting of more than 18 thousand animals was carried out in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 8, 2020 "On Hunting and Hunting". The quota is determined based on Articles 14-15 of the law.
In accordance with this Law, the State Ecological Committee approves the quota for catching wild animals, taking into account the conclusion of the Academy of Sciences. On the other hand, the Academy of Sciences examines its conclusion on the hunting of wild animals from the wild on a scientific basis, specifies the number of wild animals in nature, and gives only a certain amount.
This quota is set not only for hunting wild animals for sport and hobby, but also for the purpose of scientific study and control. Also, their breeding in artificial nurseries and their use in pharmaceuticals are also prescribed by law.
It is clearly stated that the 4 heads of Kyzylkum arkari and 4 heads of Morkhor, included in the Red Book, were given only for breeding and release into the wild.
Certain animals in the approved quota are caught for the purpose of studying their migration routes, and appropriate tags (microchips, rings) are placed on them, or they are separated for the purpose of taking analysis and releasing them alive into the wild.
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