The Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) has announced plans to allocate $1.2bn to Central Asian countries to combat hunger and ensure food security, according to Anna-Maria Chkonia, coordinator of the EDB's Technical Assistance Fund.

Chkonia emphasized the need for improved transportation infrastructure to mitigate the escalating malnutrition rates in the region. Enhanced road networks would minimize losses incurred during the transportation of perishable goods and subsequently lower food prices.
The region is grappling with rising obesity levels and a deficiency of crucial micronutrients. The escalating cost of healthy food has rendered it inaccessible to a significant segment of the population, leaving over 10 mn Central Asian residents without access to nutritious food.

In the 2021 food security ranking, Uzbekistan ranked 85th, trailing behind Kazakhstan in 33rd place. However, Uzbekistan has seen a significant increase in food purchases from 2017 to 2021, with a 2.3-fold increase to $2.92bn.
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